FortranGIS  Version2.5
type(shpobject) function, target, public shapelib::shpcreatesimpleobject ( integer  nshptype,
integer  nvertices,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices)  padfx,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices)  padfy,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices), optional  padfz 

It creates a new shape object, simple version.

It creates a new shape object and returns it as a variable of type shpobject; the object has x,y,z coordinates with no measure and a single part. The successful creation can be checked with the function shpisnull.

nshptypetype of shape, one of the shpt_* constants
nverticesnumber of vertices
padfxx coordinates
padfyy coordinates
padfzz coordinates, it can be skipped

Definition at line 589 of file shapelib.F90.