FortranGIS  Version2.5
subroutine, public shapelib::shpgetinfo ( type(shpfileobject), intent(in)  hshp,
integer, intent(out)  nentities,
integer, intent(out)  shapetype,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(4), intent(out)  minbound,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(4), intent(out)  maxbound,
integer, intent(out)  dbffieldcount,
integer, intent(out)  dbfrecordcount 

It gets information about the shapefile database, including dbf.

If a part of the dataset has not been correctly opened (e.g. .shp/.shx or .dbf files), the corresponding information, in particular nentities or dbfrecordcount will be zero.

[in]hshpshapefile object to query
[out]nentitiesnumber of shapes
[out]shapetypetype of shapes in the file, one of the shpt_* constants
[out]minboundlower bounds of shape values
[out]maxboundupper bounds of shape values
[out]dbffieldcountnumber of dbf fields
[out]dbfrecordcountnumber of dbf records, it should be equal to nentities, but it is not guaranteed

Definition at line 502 of file shapelib.F90.