FortranGIS  Version2.5
type(shpobject) function, target, public shapelib::shpcreateobject ( integer  nshptype,
integer  ishape,
integer  nparts,
integer, dimension(nparts)  panpartstart,
integer, dimension(nparts)  panparttype,
integer  nvertices,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices)  padfx,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices)  padfy,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices), optional  padfz,
real(kind=c_double), dimension(nvertices), optional  padfm 

It creates a new shape object, full version.

It creates a new shape object and returns it as a variable of type shpobject; the object has x,y,z coordinates with measure and possibly multiple parts. The successful creation can be checked with the function shpisnull.

nshptypetype of shape, one of the shpt_* constants
ishapeshapeid to be recorded with this shape
npartsnumber of parts
nverticesnumber of vertices
panpartstartstart indices of each part
panparttypetype of each of the parts, this is only meaningful for MULTIPATCH files, for all other cases it will be assumed to be SHPP_RING
padfxx coordinates
padfyy coordinates
padfzz coordinates, it can be skipped
padfmmeasure, it can be skipped

Definition at line 613 of file shapelib.F90.