FortranGIS  Version2.5
Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NfortrancUtility module for supporting Fortran 2003 C language interface module
 Cc_ptr_ptrFortran derived type for handling void**, char**, etc C objects (pointer to pointer or array of pointers)
 Cc_ptr_ptr_newConstructor for a c_ptr_ptr object
 CstrlenEquivalent of the strlen C function
 CstrtofcharConvert a null-terminated C string into a Fortran CHARACTER variable of the proper length
 NgdalFortran 2003 interface to the gdal library
 Cgdalapplygeotransform_fInterface to a Fortran version of gdalapplygeotransform working on scalars, 1-d, 2-d and 3-d arrays
 Cgdaldatasetrasterio_fSimplified Fortran generic interface to the gdaldatasetrasterio C function
 Cgdalmajorobjecth_newFortran interface for formally converting a dataset, rasterband or driver opaque object into a generic gdal object of type gdalmajorobjecth to be used in some methods such as GDALGetMetadata
 Cgdalrasterio_fSimplified Fortran generic interface to the gdalrasterio C function
 NprojFortran 2003 interface to the proj.4 library
 Cpj_associatedTest whether an opaque object is valid
 Cpj_init_plusInitialize a projection from a string
 Cpj_objectObject describing a cartographic projection
 Cpjuv_objectObject describing a coordinate pair
 NreadosmFortran 2003 interface to the readosm library
 CappendQuick method to append an element to the array
 Carrayof_readosm_node_fDerived type defining a dynamically extensible array of TYPE(readosm_node_f) elements
 Carrayof_readosm_relation_fDerived type defining a dynamically extensible array of TYPE(readosm_relation_f) elements
 Carrayof_readosm_way_fDerived type defining a dynamically extensible array of TYPE(readosm_way_f) elements
 CdeleteDestructor for finalizing an array object
 CinsertMethod for inserting elements of the array at a desired position
 CpackarrayMethod for packing the array object reducing at a minimum the memory occupation, without destroying its contents
 Creadosm_closeClose the .osm or .pbf file and release any allocated resource
 Creadosm_full_fDerived type for performing a prepackaged full parsing of an osm file
 Creadosm_memberObject describing a RELATION-MEMBER structure
 Creadosm_member_fA more Fortran-friendly object describing a RELATION-MEMEBER structure
 Creadosm_nodeObject describing a NODE structure
 Creadosm_node_fA more Fortran-friendly object describing a NODE structure
 Creadosm_openOpen the .osm or .pbf file, preparing for future functions
 Creadosm_parseParse the corresponding file calling the selected callbacks for every entity encountered
 Creadosm_relationObject describing a RELATION structure
 Creadosm_relation_fA more Fortran-friendly object describing a RELATION structure
 Creadosm_tagObject describing a TAG structure
 Creadosm_tag_fA more Fortran-friendly object describing a TAG structure
 Creadosm_wayObject describing a WAY structure
 Creadosm_way_fA more Fortran-friendly object describing a WAY structure
 CremoveMethod for removing elements of the array at a desired position
 NshapelibFortran 2003 interface to the shapelib library
 CdbfreadattributeInterface to SUBROUTINEs for reading dbf attributes
 CdbfwriteattributeInterface to FUNCTIONs for setting dbf attributes
 CshpfileobjectObject describing a shapefile dataset
 CshpobjectObject describing the geometrical properties of a shape