FortranGIS  Version2.5
Public Attributes | List of all members
readosm_node_f Type Reference

A more Fortran-friendly object describing a NODE structure. More...

Public Attributes

integer(kind=c_long_long) id =0
 NODE-ID (expected to be a unique value) More...
real(kind=c_double) latitude
 geographic latitude More...
real(kind=c_double) longitude
 geographic longitude More...
integer(kind=c_int) version
 object version More...
integer(kind=c_long_long) changeset
 ChangeSet ID. More...
integer(kind=c_int) uid
 corresponding numeric UserID More...
type(readosm_tag_f), dimension(:), allocatable tags
 array of TAG objects (may be NULL) More...

Detailed Description

A more Fortran-friendly object describing a NODE structure.

Definition at line 115 of file readosm.F90.