FortranGIS  Version2.5
integer function readosm::readosm_parse_full_f ( type(c_ptr), value  osm_handle,
type(readosm_full_f), intent(inout), target  fulldata 

Simplified parsing method for quickly retrieving all the information from a osm file.

This method can be called in place of readosm_parse, thus avoiding the need to define own callbacks. After successful execution, the fulldata argument will contain the full information from the file in a DOM (Document Object Model) style. It must be used with care on big datasets since it can consume a lot of memory. It uses the readosm_full_node, readosm_full_way and readosm_full_relation predefined callbacks.

osm_handlethe handle previously returned by readosm_open()
[in,out]fulldataan object which, on exit, will contain the full information read from the file

Definition at line 1274 of file readosm.F90.