20 use,
INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding
PARAMETER :: lencharattr=40, nshp=4, tshp=shpt_polygonz
29 CHARACTER(len=1024) :: filein, fileout, filereg
31 INTEGER :: nshpr, tshpr, nfield, nrec, nd
32 REAL(kind=c_double) :: minbound(4), maxbound(4)
33 CHARACTER(len=lencharattr) :: charattrr
35 REAL(kind=c_double) :: doubleattrr
38 CALL getarg(2,fileout)
39 CALL getarg(3,filereg)
40 IF (filein ==
'' .OR. fileout ==
'' .OR. filereg ==
THEN 41 print
'Convert a shapefile (with polygons) in the dump format required by' 42 print
'the shape2fxtr.pl utilities of fieldextra and directly in the' 43 print
'region file format required by fieldextra.' 44 print
'Usage: shp_fxtr <shp_file> <dump_file> <reg_file>' 50 shphandle = shpopen(trim(filein),
52 IF (shpfileisnull(shphandle) .OR. dbffileisnull(shphandle))
THEN 53 print*,
'Error opening ',trim(filein),
' for reading' 58 CALL shpgetinfo(shphandle, nshpr, tshpr, minbound, maxbound, nfield, nrec)
59 print*,
'number and type of shapes:',nshpr,tshpr
61 OPEN(10, file=fileout)
62 OPEN(11, file=filereg)
65 print*,
'Checking shape',i
67 shpobj = shpreadobject(shphandle, i)
69 IF (shpisnull(shpobj))
THEN 70 print*,
'Error in shpreadobject',i
76 print*,
77 IF (
THEN 80 IF (
SIZE(shpobj%panpartstart) > 1)
THEN 81 print*,
'Warning, multipart shapes not supported in the conversion' 82 print*,
'skipping shape ',i+1
86 IF (shpobj%nvertices >= 3)
THEN 88 DO j = 1, shpobj%nvertices
89 WRITE(10,
92 WRITE(11,
93 WRITE(11,
94 WRITE(11,
100 CALL shpdestroyobject(shpobj)
105 CALL shpclose(shphandle)
Object describing the geometrical properties of a shape.
Fortran 2003 interface to the shapelib http://shapelib.maptools.org/ library.
Object describing a shapefile dataset.