FortranGIS  Version2.5
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
shapelib Module Reference

Fortran 2003 interface to the shapelib library. More...

Data Types

interface  dbfreadattribute
 Interface to SUBROUTINEs for reading dbf attributes. More...
interface  dbfwriteattribute
 Interface to FUNCTIONs for setting dbf attributes. More...
type  shpfileobject
 Object describing a shapefile dataset. More...
type  shpobject
 Object describing the geometrical properties of a shape. More...


type(shpfileobject) function, public shpopen (pszshapefile, pszaccess)
 It tries to open the files composing a shapefile dataset. More...
logical function, public shpfileisnull (hshp)
 It returns .TRUE. More...
logical function, public dbffileisnull (hshp)
 It returns .TRUE. More...
type(shpfileobject) function, public shpcreate (pszshapefile, nshapetype)
 It creates a new, empty set of files composing a shapefile dataset. More...
subroutine, public shpgetinfo (hshp, nentities, shapetype, minbound, maxbound, dbffieldcount, dbfrecordcount)
 It gets information about the shapefile database, including dbf. More...
type(shpobject) function, target, public shpreadobject (hshp, ishape)
 It reads a single shape from a shapefile. More...
logical function, public shpisnull (psobject)
 It returns .TRUE. More...
subroutine, public shpclose (hshp)
 It closes all the files associated with the shapefile dataset. More...
type(shpobject) function, target, public shpcreatesimpleobject (nshptype, nvertices, padfx, padfy, padfz)
 It creates a new shape object, simple version. More...
type(shpobject) function, target, public shpcreateobject (nshptype, ishape, nparts, panpartstart, panparttype, nvertices, padfx, padfy, padfz, padfm)
 It creates a new shape object, full version. More...
subroutine, public shpcomputeextents (psobject)
 It recomputes the extents of a shape. More...
integer function, public shpwriteobject (hshp, ishape, psobject)
 It writes a shape object to a file. More...
subroutine, public shpdestroyobject (psobject)
 It destroys a shape object for subsequent reuse or when not used anymore. More...
integer function, public dbfgetfieldindex (hshp, pszfieldname)
 It returns the index of the field matching the name. More...
integer function, public dbfgetfieldinfo (hshp, ifield, pszfieldname, pnwidth, pndecimals)
 It returns information about a dbf field. More...
integer function, public dbfaddfield (hshp, pszfieldname, etype, nwidth, ndecimals)
 It adds a new field to an existing dataset. More...
logical function, public dbfisattributenull (hshp, ishape, ifield)
 It returns .TRUE. More...
character(len=1) function, public dbfgetnativefieldtype (hshp, ifield)
 It returns the dbf type code of the requested field. More...


integer, parameter, public shpt_null = 0
 Series of constants for specifying type of new shape datasets with shpcreate, null shape. More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_point = 1
 points More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_arc = 3
 arcs (Polylines, possible in parts) More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_polygon = 5
 polygons (possible in parts) More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_multipoint = 8
 multiPoint (related points) More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_pointz = 11
 3D (+ measure) points More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_arcz = 13
 3D (+ measure) arcs More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_polygonz = 15
 3D (+ measure) polygons More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_multipointz = 18
 3D (+ measure) multiPoint More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_pointm = 21
 2D + measure points More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_arcm = 23
 2D + measure arcs More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_polygonm = 25
 2D + measure polygons More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_multipointm = 28
 2D + measure multiPoint More...
integer, parameter, public shpt_multipatch = 31
 complex (TIN-like) with Z, and Measure More...
integer, parameter, public ftstring = 0
 Series of constants for specifying dbf field type, fixed length string field. More...
integer, parameter, public ftinteger = 1
 numeric field with no decimals More...
integer, parameter, public ftdouble = 2
 numeric field with decimals More...
integer, parameter, public ftlogical = 3
 LOGICAL field. More...
integer, parameter, public ftinvalid = 4
 not a recognised field TYPE More...

Detailed Description

Fortran 2003 interface to the shapelib library.

This module defines an API which reflects the original shapelib C API with some modifications:

The module defines two derived types: shpfileobject associated to a shapefile dataset, and shpobject associated to a single shape within a dataset. Access to database (.dbf) information is done by accessing the file object only.

For an example of application of the shapelib module, please refer to the following test program, which creates a shapefile and successively reads it:

! Copyright 2011 Davide Cesari <dcesari69 at gmail dot com>
! This file is part of FortranGIS.
! FortranGIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
! published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
! License, or (at your option) any later version.
! FortranGIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
! WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! Lesser General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
! License along with FortranGIS. If not, see
! <>.
PROGRAM shapelib_test
use,INTRINSIC :: iso_c_binding
INTEGER,PARAMETER :: lencharattr=40, nshp=4, tshp=shpt_polygonz
TYPE(shpfileobject) :: shphandle
TYPE(shpobject) :: shpobj
INTEGER :: i, j
CHARACTER(len=1024) :: filename
INTEGER :: nshpr, tshpr, nfield, nrec, nd
REAL(kind=c_double) :: minbound(4), maxbound(4)
CHARACTER(len=lencharattr) :: charattrr
INTEGER :: intattrr
REAL(kind=c_double) :: doubleattrr
!CALL getarg(1,filename)
!IF (filename == '') THEN
! PRINT'(A)','Usage: shape_test <shp_file>'
filename = 'testshape'
! ==== How to create a shapefile ====
! create a new shapefile object with data of type tshp (polygon)
! and associate it to a file, filename does not include extension
shphandle = shpcreate(trim(filename), tshp)
! error check
IF (shpfileisnull(shphandle) .OR. dbffileisnull(shphandle)) THEN
print*,'Error opening ',trim(filename),' for writing'
stop 1
! add 3 dbf field, of type character, integer and double respectively
j = dbfaddfield(shphandle, 'name', ftstring, lencharattr, 0)
IF (j /= 0) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfaddfield',0,j
stop 1
j = dbfaddfield(shphandle, 'number', ftinteger, 10, 0)
IF (j /= 1) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfaddfield',1,j
stop 1
j = dbfaddfield(shphandle, 'size', ftdouble, 30, 20)
IF (j /= 2) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfaddfield',2,j
stop 1
! add nshp shapes, of different lengths
DO i = 0, nshp - 1
print*,'Creating shape',i
! create a shape object with the "simple" method
! for each shape 3 components are added x, y, z
! the type of shape has to be repeated here
! makesimpleshp() is an utility function returning an array
shpobj = shpcreatesimpleobject(tshp, &
SIZE(makesimpleshp(i, 0)), &
makesimpleshp(i, 0), &
makesimpleshp(i, 1), &
makesimpleshp(i, 2))
! write the shape object to the shapefile object as i-th element
! -1 = append
j = shpwriteobject(shphandle, -1, shpobj)
IF (j /= i) THEN
print*,'Error in shpwriteobject',i,j
stop 1
! destroy the shape object to avoid memory leaks
CALL shpdestroyobject(shpobj)
! write the 3 dbf attributes of different types for the i-th shape
! object to the shapefile object
! makechardbf(), makeintdbf() and makedoubledbf() are utility functions
! returning an attribute of the proper type
j = dbfwriteattribute(shphandle, i, 0, makechardbf(i))
IF (j /= 1) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfwriteattribute, char',j
stop 1
j = dbfwriteattribute(shphandle, i, 1, makeintdbf(i))
IF (j /= 1) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfwriteattribute, int',j
stop 1
j = dbfwriteattribute(shphandle, i, 2, makedoubledbf(i))
IF (j /= 1) THEN
print*,'Warning in dbfwriteattribute, double',j
! close the shapefile object
CALL shpclose(shphandle)
! ==== How to read a shapefile ====
! open an exixting shapefile and associate it to a shapefile object
! filename does not include extension
shphandle = shpopen(trim(filename), 'rb')
! error check
IF (shpfileisnull(shphandle) .OR. dbffileisnull(shphandle)) THEN
print*,'Error opening ',trim(filename),' for reading'
stop 1
! get general information about the shapefile object
CALL shpgetinfo(shphandle, nshpr, tshpr, minbound, maxbound, nfield, nrec)
IF (nshpr /= nshp) THEN
print*,'Error in shpgetinfo, wrong number of shapes',nshp,nshpr
stop 1
IF (tshpr /= tshp) THEN
print*,'Error in shpgetinfo, wrong type of shapes',tshp,tshpr
stop 1
IF (nfield /= 3) THEN
print*,'Error in shpgetinfo, wrong number of fields',3,nfield
stop 1
IF (nrec /= nshp) THEN
print*,'Error in shpgetinfo, wrong number of records',nshp,nrec
stop 1
! read the nshp shapes
DO i = 0, nshp - 1
print*,'Checking shape',i
! read the i-th shape from the shapefile object and obtain a shape object
shpobj = shpreadobject(shphandle, i)
! error check
IF (shpisnull(shpobj)) THEN
print*,'Error in shpreadobject',i
stop 1
! now access all the components of the shape object
! number of vertices
IF (shpobj%nvertices /= SIZE(makesimpleshp(i,0))) THEN
print*,'Error in shpreadobject, wrong number of vertices',i,&
stop 1
! x shape data
IF (any(shpobj%padfx(:) /= makesimpleshp(i,0))) THEN
print*,'Error in shpreadobject, discrepancies in x',i
stop 1
! y shape data
IF (any(shpobj%padfy(:) /= makesimpleshp(i,1))) THEN
print*,'Error in shpreadobject, discrepancies in y',i
stop 1
! z shape data
IF (any(shpobj%padfz(:) /= makesimpleshp(i,2))) THEN
print*,'Error in shpreadobject, discrepancies in z',i
stop 1
! destroy the shape object to avoid memory leaks
! notice that for accessing dbf attributes the shape object is not required
CALL shpdestroyobject(shpobj)
! get the dbf attributes for the i-th shape in the shapefile object
! first field (character)
CALL dbfreadattribute(shphandle, i, 0, charattrr)
IF (charattrr /= makechardbf(i)) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfreadattribute, discrepancies in char'
stop 1
! second field (integer)
CALL dbfreadattribute(shphandle, i, 1, intattrr)
IF (intattrr /= makeintdbf(i)) THEN
print*,'Error in dbfreadattribute, discrepancies in int'
stop 1
! third field (double)
CALL dbfreadattribute(shphandle, i, 2, doubleattrr)
IF (doubleattrr /= makedoubledbf(i)) THEN
! here discreapancies are tolerated
print*,'Warning in dbfreadattribute, discrepancies in double'
! close the shapefile object
CALL shpclose(shphandle)
! Functions for generating predictable shp and dbf values
FUNCTION makesimpleshp(nshp, ncoord) RESULT(shp)
INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nshp, ncoord
REAL(kind=c_double) :: shp(nshp+2)
shp(:) = (/(-100.0_c_double + &
10.0_c_double*i + 100.0_c_double*nshp + 1000.0_c_double*ncoord, &
i=1, SIZE(shp))/)
END FUNCTION makesimpleshp
FUNCTION makechardbf(nshp) RESULT(dbf)
INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nshp
CHARACTER(len=lencharattr) :: dbf
DO i = 1, len(dbf)
dbf(i:i) = char(32 + mod(i+2*nshp,32))
END FUNCTION makechardbf
FUNCTION makeintdbf(nshp) RESULT(dbf)
INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nshp
INTEGER :: dbf
dbf = -118 + 47*nshp
END FUNCTION makeintdbf
FUNCTION makedoubledbf(nshp) RESULT(dbf)
INTEGER,INTENT(in) :: nshp
REAL(kind=c_double) :: dbf
dbf = -5.894823e+12_c_double + 8.4827943e+11*nshp
END FUNCTION makedoubledbf
END PROGRAM shapelib_test